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Photo of David Berne David Berne Spain

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BERNE DAVID nascent Argentina, where he took his first steps in the field of painting, then settled Venezuela for 27 years, achieving a notable success in this country, supported by his numerous solo exhibitions throughout Venezuelan territory, then goes on a brief stay in Florida, USA to fulfill professional commitments, which also was widely praised his pictorial art. Then she travels to Spain, residencindose in La Corua, Galicia, land of his ancestors. David Brn? manifestsu artistic concerns...
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BERNE DAVID nascent Argentina, where he took his first steps in the field of painting, then settled Venezuela for 27 years, achieving a notable success in this country, supported by his numerous solo exhibitions throughout Venezuelan territory, then goes on a brief stay in Florida, USA to fulfill professional commitments, which also was widely praised his pictorial art. Then she travels to Spain, residencindose in La Corua, Galicia, land of his ancestors. David Brn? manifestsu artistic concerns at an early age, desarrollndolo then under the direction of famous masters like Hugo Pratt, Charles Rome, Brescia and Borisoff and tenacity within walking difficult art of painting has been able to achieve a prominent place in the places where he traveled. This artist has been rated by the critics for its excellent quality as an artist, his absolute mastery of color and light, which capture the realism and subtlety of their prized and admired works. Throughout his artistic career, David Brn? is characterized by its dominance in the figure of the horse, the drama that gives his scenes with the human figure, its magnificent scenery and the strength and light plasma in the sea. Has also been widely praised its unique and personal technique that reveals its texture, which shows realism in his portraits, the quality of his illustrations, comics management and originality of his cartoons. As you can see David polifactico Brn? is an artist showing in all fields that handles excellent teacher. He has exhibited in some of the most known Galeras Arts in Buenos Aires, such as Van Riel, Latelier and Shanel, in many showrooms in various cities in Venezuela, mainly in the C Galera Intercontinental circle in Valencia, and in Miami, USA, having been many of his works acquired by collectors from different countries, both in Europe and the Americas. AFTER three years of Coruay by moving to a withdrawal of showrooms in December next month will return to delight the audience in an exhibition show that besides their skills with the brush intended to pay tribute to the land that their ancestors Vinac shaping landscapes in which surely remain the traces of their footsteps. We let her gentle grip consideracin the artist and his work EXHIBITIONS Intercontinental Hotel Lobby Valencia, Venezuela, 1975 Circle Gallery Intercontinental Valencia, Venezuela 1976 Law School Valencia Venezuela, 1977 Da Vinci Gallery Valencia Venezuela, Italy 1977 House Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1978 Club Espaol Barinas, Venezuela, 1978 Prez Gallery Mjica Caracas, Venezuela, 1980 Equestrian Club in Valencia, Venezuela, Hogar Hispano 1996 Venezuela, Valencia Venezuela, 2000 Art & Image, The Horse Corua 2005 Salon, Salon del Caballo Camponaraya 2006, Silleda, Pontevedra 2006 Group Exhibition Gallery of the circle Intercontinental, Valencia, Venezuela, 1976 Samery Galera, Maracaibo , Venezuela, 1977 Racetrack La Rinconada, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977 Naval Base in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, 1978 Gallery of Sailing Club, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, 1978 College of Engineering, Valencia, Venezuela, 1978 Inauguration n Plant Centre, 1978 Racetrack La Rinconada, Caracas, Venezuela, 1979 Hotel MeliPuerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 1979 Samery Galera, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1979 Sun Gallery, coconout Grove, Miami, FI.USA, 2000 Home Culture Salvador de Madariaga, Chapapote Collective, The Corua, Spain, 2003 Inter-Continental Competition Awards 1978, Honorfica Mention. Inter-Continental Competition 1979, Honorfica Mention. Espaol Club Barinas Venezuela, 1980. Galeria Altamira de Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1981 Centro Italo Venezolano Social, Maracaibo, 1982 House of Italy in Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1983.

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